I'd like you all to meet the newest member of the McNamar clan, my sweet little

Since my family has yet to follow me and move the the wonderful state of Oklahoma (if only you could see the facetious look on my face as I type this sentence) I have found someone who has made living a minimal of 6 hours away from my family a little bit easier.
I originally went to the dog rescue to see a cute little Yorkie puppy that I had seen on their website the night before but when I got there I discovered that she had already been adopted by another family. Although I was somewhat sad to find that out I was distracted by a pathetic high pitched cry coming from a cage on top of the pile that held all the dogs. Inside I found a massive (wink wink) 7 pound Mini Schnauzer with an atrocious haircut.
I then became a believer in love at first sight.
I sat in the floor and held a little nameless dog that made me forget all about being homesick.
And that is how I found my little Penelope
Much Love,
Monica Grace